Carta Imray 1 Eastern caribbean general chart


Escala 1:800.000 WGS 84

Edition date 2020

Publication details Sheet size 640 x 900mm. Waterproof. Folded in plastic wallet or flat.

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Categoría: SKU: 9781846234996


Passage Chart

Scale: 1:1,800,000 WGS 84

Imray-Iolaire charts for Caribbean are widely acknowledged as the best available for the cruising sailor. They combine the latest official survey data with first-hand information gathered over 60 years of research by Don Street Jr and his wide network of contributors. Like all Imray charts, they are printed on water resistant Pretex paper for durability, and they include many anchorages, facilities and inlets not included on official charts.

On this edition the chart specification has been improved to show coloured light flashes. The magnetic variation curves have been updated with 2020 data. Additional anchorage plans in Colombian waters have been removed for this edition. There has been general updating throughout.